Hope you have all enjoyed your Christmas and New Year celebrations. I've had a lovely break with family, friends and dogs! Our first with Mabel who thoroughly enjoyed opening her first present.
2019 is looking like it is going to be a busy year. We re-open at the salon tomorrow with Fiona and then I'll be back in on Thursday 10th January along with Lucy on work experience from Lancaster & Morecambe college. My diary is open for bookings and we still have a few appointments available in January. To get your choice of appointments its always best to book your next appointment when your dog is in being groomed or even book a few at the same time!
We are hopefully going to bring some new services in this year which will benefit your furry friends so ....watch this space, and if you have any dog grooming requests - just let me know.
Thank you as always for your continued custom - it is greatly appreciated.
Eleanor & Team